Head Swap: Zombie COBRA Swat

October 31, 2012 | By More

I have to say this was a purely based on the new season of  the Walking Dead. In the season premier, one of the cooler looking zombies were prison guards that had been turned. While slightly controversial to some, they did look cooler than the typical walkers.

Now, I had an idea to put this look together fairly easy. I started with the utilitarian Cobra Shock Trooper. From there, I did a quick and dirty head swap with the Zombie Viper. To finish the look off, I grabbed the face shield and helmet from Law & Order.

For those so inclined, a boil and pop forearm swap would work pretty well here. But, I like the idea of it being a temporary thing, so I did go that far.

I included the riot shield here mainly because they used it on the show. Honestly, I thought it was great idea to use against zombies. Probably one of the smarter things they’ve made use of.

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  1. Errex says:

    Brilliant idea! 😉

  2. Tom says:

    Quick and dirty but effective, it’s always nice when you can do things like headswaps instead of just having to destroy figures