Action Figure Blues Podcast
I wanted to post today to plug the Action Figure Blues Podcast. Why? Well, because I’m one of the rotating co-hosts, that’s why.
If you are a regular visitor to the site, you would know that I’ve been contributing an audio “Name That” for some time. I’ve actually been a host for some time now, as well.
Regular segments include news, Feeding the Addiction, and either a Toy of the Week or a Red Carded. Red Carded is for those toy items that just don’t quite live up to expectations. Comment below if you have any suggestions for Red Carded.
I’ve been really honored by some of the great folks we’ve had the chance to interview so far. From freelance toy designer Catrina Arana to sculptor Mark Newman, I’ve learned some really fascinating things from the toy and collectible world.
If you haven’t had a chance to listen yet, please go give it a try. It won’t hurt.
(PS. Yes, we are one of those shows that has outtakes after the end of the show. There always seem to be more when I’m on.)