Ood (Titans Vinyl Figure)

May 3, 2013 | By More



ood_vinyl_frontI don’t know when it happened, but I’m turning into a blind packed figure junkie. I just kind of dig the little ones. When I was a local store had the Doctor Who Titans figures, I decided to get one.

I knew there was an Ood, which is a character Mrs. Nerd and I both love. I asked her to pick one box out of the 20. It just so happened she picked the Ood!

This is the standard Ood. There’s a variant that I’m assuming  has the natural looking external brain thingee. This version has the translator orb with the servant outfit.

While the oversize melon is fairly detailed, the body is fairly stark. He’s essentially all grey with some line work. It’s not bad, and really he doesn’t require much more.



The head is really well done, though. It’s stylized, but detailed. That can be a fine line to walk, but I think they did it really well here. I think the eyebrow arch is the key factor here. It really gives you the Ood quality of not knowing if they are a good guy or a bad guy.

The mouth tentacles are obviously a big part of the Oodishness of this fellow. They are creepy enough in a stylized way, but the bright pink really amps up the cute factor.

The translator ball is attached in there in a small hole. His hand does a good job of holding the connecting tube. A tiny bit of paint on the orb would have been a nice touch, but isn’t missed.

Honestly, after seeing the Ood I’m really looking forward to picking up a couple more of these. I’m particularly interested in the Weeping Angel and Sontaran from series 2 (Click here to pre-order on Entertainment Earth)



I have to say I was pretty impressed with this little guy. He’s got plenty of expression for the type of figure he is. Yeah, his stubby little arms can’t do much, but this really isn’t an action figure. Mrs. Nerd has claimed this Ood and has him keeping her Android vinyls in line.

Engineernerd Score: 98/100


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