Merle Dixon

October 30, 2013 | By More


It took along time before I became sympathetic to the character of Merle Dixon on The Walking Dead. I’ve got a redneck streak, but it mainly involves duct tape, flannel and a love of deep fried food. I don’t carry the hatred that Merle exhibited from the very start. In the end though, Merle came around and showed a bit of redemption.

When I saw the Funko Blind Boxed Walking Dead figures, Kokomo toys had unboxed them so you could select the one you wanted. I was actually looking for the other Dixon, but they were out. And well, knife hands are cool.


First off the style on these guys is a bit different than some of the other vinyl I have. Kind of a blocky animated style. Honestly, if I was told these were from a cartoon version of Walking Dead, I’d have bought it. There’s just enough detail that you get the character.

Unlike a number of other similar figures, the detail is sculpted. The jacket and pockets all stand out. The hand and it’s attached knife generic, but look perfect for the style.

The one thing that isn’t sculpted is the face detail. Mrs. Nerd saw this as a bit of a downside, as in certain light you can’t see the face at all. I really wish the there were some sculpted lines around the lines just so they would stand out. Same with the beard.


I was a bit surprised there was no articulation at all on these figures. I’d been kind of spoiled by the Doctor Who Titans. Since the figure is fully sculpted, I get that. It would have been nice to have at least a head swivel, though.


It might sound like I regretted this purchase. I didn’t. He’s exactly the stylized version of Merle I was expecting to get. I’d be willing to play the blind box game and get a couple of more of these if I see them. I dig the style, have some weight, and give let me have a Walking Dead piece on my desk that won’t make me queasy.

Engineernerd Score: 90/100


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  1. Errex says:

    That’s a pretty interesting take on TWD. This Merle makes me really curious as to the appearance of the other characters in the line.