Sheldon Cooper

January 24, 2014 | By More


sheldon_frontLove it or hate, The Big Bang Theory has become insanely popular in our culture. While a swarm of merchandise is out there. most is for the masses and not really toy collectors. Which is a bit ironic considering the amount of swag the gang owns.

Funko is helping out there with it’s BBT Mystery Mini series. Small blind box figures seem about right for the show. Regular action figures seem like they would be overkill to me.

I recently got one of these as part of my Nerd Block. Upon opening it, I discovered it was Sheldon with his Superman shirt. I figure I’d get Raj or one of the girls that wouldn’t look right alone, but Shelly is a pretty nice pull.

The figure is the basis for a number of repaints as can be expected with these kinds of things. I don’remember a white Superman shirt on the show, but it’s not out of the realm of possibility. The other part of the repaint is he is holding a book folder that switches out. This one is the all encompassing Roommate Agreement document.

sheldon_backThe overall sculpt is good, but very stylized. I have to say my favorite part are the lines on the pants giving the suggestion of plaid (Or tartan if you are from another part of the world. You know who you are.)

The faces is a bit different here than some of the others lines. His face reminds me more of an animation style rather than the regular Funko Pop style. He reminds me a bit of a Claymation character, to be honest.

I also continue to be impressed with the crispness of the paint on Funko’s smaller items. The saddle shoes here are done well, and they are a small detail other companies would have just left off.



I’m pretty impressed. I can always tell when I’m happy with a blind box figure because they always make me want to go buy some more. Funko did a s nice job with Sheldon. It’s not one of those standard mass market items folks just slap a name on to sell. He’s a well done, albeit stylized version, of everybody’s favorite neurotic physicist.

Engineernerd Score: 95/100


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  1. Errex says:

    Very, very neat item. I was surprised to see it is smaller than both Merle and the Doctor.

  2. Engineernerd says:

    That is the one downside of blind box items, you don’t get a sense of the actual item size.