Luke Skywalker X-Wing Pilot (Black Series)
To be honest, one of the figures I was less excited about from Hasbro’s Star Wars Black Series was precisely this version of Luke Skywalker in his X-Wing pilot uniform.
There is a reasons behind that, and it is that I don’t see the 6-inch. Black Series as a vehicle-focused line, since those would have to be absurdly large to go with these figures. That is why having a this version of Luke released right into the first wave figures makes absolutely no sense to me.
With that out of the way, I must begrudgingly admit that Hasbro did a really stellar job on this one. The X-Wing pilot uniform is fairly generic, of course, but the amount of sculpted detail is really impressive.
The head sculpt is easily my favorite part, as it captures a young Mark Hamill from Star Wars: A New Hope, complete with the characteristic ‘70s hairdo.
One trend I’m noticing about these Black Series figures, is that Hasbro is taking the same articulation model found on the smaller Vintage Collection and just adds a few of the more recent improvements developed for other lines, depending on the character at hand. X-wing Luke comes off with:
• Pegged hinge shoulders.
• Pegged hinge elbows.
• Pegged hinge wrists.
• Floating torso.
• Pegged hinge hips.
• Upper thigh swivels.
• Double hinged knees.
• Shin swivels.
• Pegged hinge ankles.
• Rocker feet.
So, while Luke lacks the double-hinged elbow joints that can be found on the Sandtrooper, he has an additional swivel below the knees, which I guess would allow to swap out the feet when the time comes to produce a Hoth version.
All the joints work perfectly this time, with the only restriction stemming from the rubber straps that hang between Luke’s legs, but these straps are pliable and loose enough to allow for a wide range of poses.
The paintjob on my Luke came out great, with no outstanding issues in terms of application or coverage. The hair color seems a little off, but that’s just me picking nits.
Luke comes with a nicely decorated pilot helmet, a lightsaber with a removable blue blade and a blaster pistol. While the lightsaber hilt can be hung from a Luke’s belt, no holster was provided for the pistol, so I guess that means Luke keeps his gun in his ship’s glove compartment.
In a nutshell, this is a pretty amazing version of Luke Skywalker even if this is not the outfit I would have chosen as a first release of the character in the new scale
Errex Score: 95/100.
Category: Featured, Star Wars, Toy Reviews