Black Cat

December 1, 2014 | By More

Black Cat


Action figures based on female comic book characters are less of a rarity these days, but Hasbro’s Marvel Legends line does not often include them in their line-up.


Black Cat (3)There are a few reasons, ranging from outdated marketing mantras (“Female action figures don’t sell”), to actual issues with the appearance and quality of the figures produced, but for the Black Cat figure released as part of the assortment from the Marvel Legends Infinite Series dedicated to the second Amazing Spider-Man movie, at least the last part seems to not be a problem.


Black Cat comes with the Urban Sirens moniker printed on her package, since she has a swap-out Spider-Girl variant and both characters ship in identical boxes.


The mold used for Black Cat is not entirely new, as parts of her anatomy had been used before, but there are a few interesting additions to her costume in the form of furry neckline, glove and boot cuffs. These furry bits are actually separate molds glued onto the black plastic pieces, for a nice, clean color separation.


Her overall appearance is very athletic and on top of it all is a really pretty head sculpt, complete with locks of flowing white hair.


Black Cat (4)Although this Black Cat is not necessarily as limber as one would expect, she still has a very impressive amount of articulation in the form of:


• Pegged hinge neck.

• Pegged hinge shoulders.

• Pegged hinge elbows.

• Pegged hinge wrists.

• Barbell mounted torso.

• Pegged hinge hips.

• Upper thigh swivels.

• Double hinged knees.

• Pegged hinge ankles.

• Rocker feet.


As you’d expect, the range of movement at the neck is somewhat impaired by the hair, but also the hip joints have a fairly reduced range because the upper thigh pieces are rather bulky and prevent lateral extensions.


Black Cat (7)One other thing worth mentioning is that rocker feet may not be such a great idea for characters that wear high heels such as this one, as the usefulness of the joint depends on the amount of contact surface at the soles of the figure. As it stands (or not), Black Cat needs additional support to keep upright for long periods of time.


Black cat was molded in black and white plastic, with minimal paint applications on them. The exposed skin is painted in flesh color and the eye and lip applications are very neatly done, although the edges of her mask could use a little work.


Her hair and the furry bits on her costume all received a slight shading wash with a light blue color that helps in adding definition to the sculpted strands


Black Cat comes with a whip accessory that has a silver claw at the end. Also included is the torso piece required to build the Ultimate Goblin figure.


Overall I am quite pleased with the Black Cat. Sure, she may need a doll stand for display purposes, but the figure is really pretty and oddly enough, she can be quite stable on more dynamic poses.

Black Cat (6)

Errex Score: 88/100

Black Cat (5)

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I've been collecting action figures since the original Kenner Star Wars days. Nowadays, I still collect pretty much anything that catches my eye.

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