Punisher Pop! Vinyl

June 22, 2015 | By More


I really kind of dig Punisher. Maybe I like to think there is a little badass in me that would stand up to the wrongs of this world no matter the cost. Maybe I like shooting things and wearing black clothes with skulls on them. Either way I couldn’t resist this little guy when I saw him at my local Walgreens.

This is the classic Frank Castle look. White boots and gloves with a body suit. When I reviewed this guy on the Action Figure Blues Podcast, I mentioned I prefer the trench coat version of the character, but hey that wouldn’t work as well for a Pop!.




Let me say that even though he isn’t my favorite look, the execution in sculpt and design is pretty good. The widows peak hair really conveys Frank’s look and the eyebrows add his attitude. The two gun pose is perfect for an aggressive stance, as well.

The guns are kind of flat techy looking things. I’d like to see something a bit more recognizable, but for a stylized figure I’ll give it a pass on the design of the guns.


punisherPop_boxWhat I can’t give a pass on is the paint. Starting with the guns, the ones on the box are shown as black and I really would think they would, pardon the pun, pop better. Even a dark grey would be better than the silver. There just isn’t enough contrast between his hands and his gun. I suspect there is some paint slop here, but it’s hard to tell with the colors.

Speaking of paint slop, the belt needs work. Now, Walgreens has been stingy with stocking these and when I got this one he was the only one so I couldn’t pick and choose. Where the skull is applied using a tampo or some other method, the belt isn’t painted nearly as well. The problem with black and white is that if you muck it up, even just a little, it’s pretty obvious.

Now the fuzziness around the widow’s peak wasn’t as obvious. Then I started editing these pictures and now I can’t unsee it. Sigh.


Yes, I’m really glad to have a Punisher to hang with my other Pop!s. He’s not perfect but there’s no mistaking who he is. I have to take off a little for him been and exclusive and a bunch more for the paint. I don’t mind going to Walgreens. I just think Frank here has enough public support he doesn’t need to be exclusive.

Engineernerd Score: 78/100


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Category: Featured, Marvel, The Punisher, Toy Reviews

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  1. Errex says:

    Right now, I feel so tempted to give in and buy a some of these Pops. I agree that the color selection for the guns could have been better, but the only thing that really hurts this figure is the white space around the belt. Hopefully, That’s an easy fix?