The AFB Podcast Episode 181: GI Joe Ninja Commando Snake Eyes / Vinyl Sugar Dorbz Batman and Robin / MOTUC Calix
Episode 181 of the AFB Podcast is live at iTunes and is now available for direct download! Download and subscribe to the podcast at iTunes now!
This week we check out:
- G.I. Joe Pursuit of Cobra Ninja Commando Snake Eyes
- Vinyl Sugar Dorbz Batman & Robin
- MOTUC Calix
The AFB Podcast is also on Stitcher Radio!
News Covered in this Episode
Batman 1966 “To the Batcave” boxed set by cilbert also bbts has better pictures
Funko Star Wars Super Shogun – 24” Boba Fett by timtamtommy2
Funko Pop Mugs and Salt & Pepper shakers by zaaab3
MMDC-02 Arkham Knight statue (spoilers )
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