Batman w/Underwater Gear (Imaginext)

February 8, 2016 | By More

Batman y Sub Imaginext (3)


If there is one thing the Imaginext line has no shortage of, it has to be Batman figures. Seriously, you can go shopping all-year round and you will always find at least two versions of the Caped Crusader on the store shelves.


Batman y Sub ImaginextTherefore, the trick lies in finding the exact version Batman you want. Being a kid from the 80’s, I have a very strong preference for the 1989 Tim Burton film version, which I found as part of this Batman w/Underwater Gear set.


This Batman mold is a few years old, as evidenced by the lack of neck and wrist swivels, as well as the bulkier body sculpt but, despite that, I like this figure very much.


The Underwater Gear, on the other hand, thrills me somewhat less than the figure, but then again, being in a line aimed to pre-schoolers, I guess it delivers what it promises.


Batman y Sub Imaginext (6)The Gear consists on a set of giant yellow flippers that attach to Batman’s feet and a combination of mini-submarine/autonomous respirator with a large, clear bubble and a couple of tools.


The bubble piece is made from black, yellow and clear plastic, and the tolls attached to it are a drill with rotating tip and a functional pincer claw.


The gear fits well onto Batman (or any other Imaginext figure) and the bright yellow color of the plastic goes well with the yellow deco on the figure, tying the look together rather nicely.


The paint applications on my figure and the gear are pretty good, although the only paint app that matters, in my opinion, is the yellow bat logo on the chest.

Batman y Sub Imaginext (4)

Errex Score: 80/100

Batman y Sub Imaginext (5)

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Category: Featured, Other Film, Other Television, Toy Reviews

About the Author ()

I've been collecting action figures since the original Kenner Star Wars days. Nowadays, I still collect pretty much anything that catches my eye.

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  1. Engineernerd says:

    I really want to see one of these customed into a Bioshock Big Daddy. I’d say I’d do it myself, but know I’d never be happy with it.