Catwoman w/Catcycle (Imaginext)

February 1, 2016 | By More

Catwoman Imaginext (6)


I was at a grocery store a few days ago and saw they had a “toy section” right among the house cleaning supplies and the paper towels. Usually, the things found in these spots are pretty forgettable, but a bright yellow Imaginext logo caught my eye.


Catwoman Imaginext (7)It was this Catwoman w/motorcycle set from Mattel’s Imaginext line. Given how scarce female characters tend to be in most pre-school lines, I brought her home with me and now I’ll review her.


First off, Catwoman’s body seems to be a fairly generic sculpt, although I did notice that her hands are sculpted with pointier fingertips and her head is a character–specific sculpt.


Catwoman has the standard Imaginext articulation consisting of a swivel neck, pegged hinge shoulders, swivel wrists and swivel uni-legs. All in all, not bad, but certainly not the high point in this set.


Catwoman Imaginext (8)That distinction goes to her motorbike. The vehicle chassis is shaped like a black panther, giving it a fairly elegant appearance and also has a built-in action feature.


If you press down on the back of the bike, the front wheel extends forward and clicks into place for a more aerodynamic configuration. Press on the silver button atop the fuel tank and the vehicle springs back up to the original position.


Both wheels are made of dense rubber, adding a nice amount of weight to the vehicle and Catwoman can ride atop the vehicle quite well if you let her roll on a gentle, uniform slope.


Other accessories included are Catwoman’s trademark whip and a black cat. The black cat figure looks rather large in relation to Catwoman, but then again, being this a toy aimed at smaller children, it make sense to minimize the risk of choking on the thing.

Catwoman Imaginext (11)Catwoman Imaginext (10)

Catwoman Imaginext (9)I cannot help but feel that this cat was designed to go along other type of characters, like a spooky/witchy set, as it is sculpted with an arched back and ready to pounce on something.


The deco on this set is extremely sparse, as most of it is made from black and silver plastics; the only painted bits are the cat’s eyes and Catwoman’s head, and on both the application is quite neat, although the application on Catwoman’s face is so thick that it almost erases Catwoman’s mouth.

Catwoman Imaginext


Errex Score: 78/100

Catwoman Imaginext (3)

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About the Author ()

I've been collecting action figures since the original Kenner Star Wars days. Nowadays, I still collect pretty much anything that catches my eye.

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