Armored Spider-Man

May 10, 2017 | By More


Apparently, Spider-Man has become one of those superheroes that genuinely can boast of a plethora of suits for every occasion.


One of the earliest ones I can recall was the Spider Armor Mk.1 debut in comics back in 1993. And even though by the end of that story arc the suit was destroyed, Armored Spider-Man had already become a solid part of the iconography for the hero.


This version of Spider-Man has had a number of toys released over the years but since nowadays the Spider-verse has become a thing, Hasbro saw fit to release a 3.75-inch version for the current Marvel Legends line in 2016.


The sculpt is all new, with the armored hard plate silver bits and the insanely tiny texture pattern on the black bodysuit. Overall, the look is quite satisfying even though articulation is a bit lacking:


Although Hasbro did give this Armored Spider-Man a little more articulation than what we got in recent waves of the 3.75 Marvel Legends line, we are still limited to:


• Ball jointed neck.

• Pin & disk shoulders

• Pin & disk elbows

• Ball jointed hips.

• Double hinge knees.

• Pin & disk ankles.

• Rocker feet.


From the waist down, there is not much to complain about but the upper torso articulation is quite restricted by the character design, although the part that really hurts this figure is the lack of wrist joints, especially since this Armored Spider-Man is stuck with one web-shooting hand turned up at all times.


Paintjob is just fine, considering all the detail is clearly sculpted and its only two-colors applied over black plastic. As far as accessories go, Armored Spider-Man has nothing whatsoever.


Despite his shortcomings, Armored Spider-Man turned out better than I expected. Sure, he won’t be as limber as most other versions of the wall-crawler, but it still makes for a fun action figure.

Errex Score: 77/100

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Category: Featured, Marvel, Toy Reviews

About the Author ()

I've been collecting action figures since the original Kenner Star Wars days. Nowadays, I still collect pretty much anything that catches my eye.

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