Cannon Strike (Mega Bloks)

November 8, 2017 | By More


Mega Bloks was granted the license to produce sets based off the Assassin’s Creed games developed by Ubi Soft until a couple years ago, up to Assassin’s Creed: Unity.


The only set I managed to pick up from that series was this Cannon Strike set (#94303); this is one fairly small set with only 74 pieces to it. The set consists of a cannon, a small piece of terrain and one assassin minifigure.


This time around the Assassin in question is Arno Dorian. Since I have yet to get to actually play that game (as I write this, I am about halfway through the last leg of Ezio´s Trilogy), I cannot really tell if this particular attire is exclusive to a certain stage in the Unity game, but from what I have seen, Arno’s attire is pretty representative of the styles favored by people during the French Revolution era.


Arno’s coat actually consists of three separate pieces, a soft rubber skirt piece attached to the waist, an open-sides vest piece for the torso and a separate soft-plastic hood on his head. This hood piece is removable and Mega Bloks included a separate wig piece to put in when the hood is not in use.


This costume design allows for a greater degree of freedom to the articulation, which consists of:


• Ball jointed head.

• Peg & hinge shoulders.

• Peg & hinge elbows.

• Swivel wrists.

• Swivel waist.

• Ball jointed hips.

• Hinged knees.


Arno comes armed with a flintlock pistol, a cavalry sword and the hidden blade/crossbow contraption characteristic from the AC: Unity game. Also, he has a really large cannon at his disposal.


The cannon itself is a specialized part that includes a spring-loaded mechanism used to shoot the provided ammunition pieces. The build itself is mostly about making the carriage for the weapon and to be sincere, it was not a particularly interesting process, even though the finished piece looks nice.


The firing mechanism works well and Mega provides quite a good number of cylindrical pieces to shoot out, as well as a small barrel to put on the base alongside the ammo.


Overall, I have to admit the set itself is not as exciting as I expected, but still makes for a fun distraction.


Errex Score: 80/100


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Category: Assassin's Creed, Featured, Toy Reviews

About the Author ()

I've been collecting action figures since the original Kenner Star Wars days. Nowadays, I still collect pretty much anything that catches my eye.

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