Tag: First Avenger

Captain America (Heroic Age)
After the “death” of the original Captain America in the comics, there were more than a few candidates to occupy his place, but ultimately the mask and shield ended up in the care of another comic book character that has had some experience returning from death, James Buchanan Barnes, a.k.a. Bucky, a.k.a. Winter Soldier.

Hero Power Captain America
Even as a kid, mismatched scale characters never really appealed to me. I understand the kid appeal of these larger figures, especially with a movie character like Captain America. Thanks to the folks at the Regal Movies on Twitter, I won one this guy through a trivia contest related to the new film. There is […]

Red Skull
Probably one of the more recognizable villains in the Marvel Universe, Red Skull has found his way into the second wave of Captain America figures as the main movie baddie. Past that, I really don’t know much about Red Skull past the fact he creeped me out when he showed up on comic book covers when I was […]

Captain America (Super Combat)
Captain America might be the movie I’m most excited to see this year. I just hope we get some action figure goodness out of it. Yeah, I know Thor and Green Lantern are out. And I know Transformers is out. I just happen to like World War II stuff. And World War II stuff with […]
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