Tag: Lando Calrissian

Lando Calrissian (Sandstorm Outfit)
It’s been quite a while since we got a Lando action figure with his skiff guard disguise. Back in the 80’s that version of Lando was among my favorites because he had a removable helmet and that was pretty uncommon then.

General Lando Calrissian
The one thing I’ve been noticing about poor action figure distribution is that I usually end up getting whatever figures eventually trickle down at retail, even if the character in question isn’t even on my short list. Thus, I ended up picking up the new General Lando Calrissian (VC47) figure from the Vintage Collection by Hasbro.

Smuggler Lando Calrissian
The end of “Empire Strikes Back” left us all wanting more. Han is chilling in carbonite, and Lando and Chewie are taking the Falcon to rescue him. Lando apparently raided Han’s closet for a vest and Seinfeld’s closet for a puffy shirt. Appearance: Yup, this is Lando. Taken from what has to be less than […]
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