Tag: Marauder
Marauder Valkyrie
Kickstarter has provided us with a bounty of great action figures in recent times. These include Marauder’s first Task Force outing. The great thing they did with that KS was to use it to generate the money to buy tooling to create an ongoing source of generic GI Joe style bucks. Their next Kickstarter, no […]
Marauder Task Force Kickstarter Figure
I’ve heard a lot of horror stories out there about Kickstarter action figures. Most haven’t even got off the ground. One that did, had a couple little bumps along the way, and is no shipped is the Marauder Task Force figure. This project was helmed by the folks that bring us all those cool weapons […]
Marauder Stormtrooper Rifle
I normally expound about the virtues of Marauder’s GI Joe weapons. However, they produce a number of “Sci-Fi” guns, including a Stormtrooper rifle. I want to say right up front the reason I picked a few of these up was vintage nostalgia for my 3-Position Laser Rifle. While I never had a role-play lightsaber as […]
Marauder Stands
I’m not a big stand user. However, there are times as an action figure collector you need a stand for a figure that just wants to fall over at the slightest breeze. There’s a number of options out there, and I’ve tried a few of them over the years. However, I was recently intrigued […]
Marauder Vector
I swear ever time I watch Sons of Guns I learns something about guns and GI Joe. This week I learned that the guns shown in the new Total Recall are Kriss Vectors. It’s also the same type of gun that came with the POC Dusty. When I first saw this gun, I really thought […]
Marauder Motorcycle & Sidecar
This is going to be a bit different. I’m going to post picture of the rather cool Motorcycle with sidecar from Marauder. But if you want to know what I thought you will have to listen to me discuss it on the Action Figure Blues Podcast. Click Here. (Tell them I sent you!) […]
Marauder Shotgun, Sniper Rife & Knife
This week I’m taking a look at a few Zombie Viper killing accessories for your GI Joe team.
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