Tag: Street Fighter

The figure I’m reviewing today is probably the less exciting from Jazwares’ Super Street Fighter IV line. Seth is famed for being something of a disappointment as far as end game boss characters go because of his character design and because his techniques are copied from the special moves used by other characters in the game.

One thing I never really understood is why in Street Fighter Capcom decided to have two characters that played basically the same. Of course, I’m refering to Ryu and the subject of todays review, Ken.

El Fuerte
El Fuerte is designed to be an homage to Lucha Libre, although the actual costume draws from several other sources, like Japanese and American wrestling tropes. A good deal of treatises can be written about the specific influences that can be seen on El Fuerte’s costume, but the thing that immediately grabbed my interest is that he is a masked wrestler.

Well, I must confess I know next to nothing about the character whose action figure I’m reviewing today. After a quick dive into Wikipedia, it seems Abel made his first appearance in the game Super Street Fighter IV, and he is supposed to be the result of biological experimentation,

One of the more easily recognizable characters from the Street Fighert games, Ryu is one of my favorite fighters thanks to the clean-cut character design and the ease of learning how to beat the game using him. Jazwares did a pretty good job of rekindling my interest in the character by including him in the starting line-up for their 4-inch Street Fighter action figure line.

Sagat was the final boss in the original Street Fighter game, and also one of the four Grand Masters the player had to face in the sequel, Street Fighter II. In subsequent games, Sagat became also a playable character from the start, which boosted his popularity. Therefore, it was only logical for Jazwares to include him as part of the first series of action figures in their 4-inch action figure line.

Guile is one of the most easily recognizable Street Fighter II characters. Although he’s been featured regularly in the Street Fighter series of games, Jazwares shipped this figure with the wave of figures that comes in the Super Street Fighter IV packaging.

I love video games. I don’t get to play much nowadays, but one of my early favorites was Street Fighter II for the Sega Genesis and Super Nintendo consoles. I know there has been a number of licensors over the years that made action figures based on the SF intellectual property, but generally speaking, their […]
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