Sagat was the final boss in the original Street Fighter game, and also one of the four Grand Masters the player had to face in the sequel, Street Fighter II. In subsequent games, Sagat became also a playable character from the start, which boosted his popularity. Therefore, it was only logical for Jazwares to include him as part of the first series of action figures in their 4-inch action figure line.
At over 4 1/5 inches tall, Sagat is the tallest character in the line, and also one of the heavier ones. Sagat is sculpted in a decidedly animated style, but even though his costume is not very complex, consisting of boxing shorts and bandages at his wrists and ankles, The amount of detail feels right for him.
Sagat is very muscular but not particularly ripped. Each muscle group is nicely detailed and the overall proportions are true to the character. Sagat’s head has a fairly dour expression that displays a good amount of personality, which is no mean feat considering he is a one-eyed, bald character.
Sagat has a large scar running across his torso (a reminder of his defeat by Ryu in the first SF game), and it is sculpted in a way that doesn’t seem to break up much even while changing torso positions. Sagat comes articulated with:
• Pegged hinge shoulders.
• Pegged hinge elbows.
• Swivel wrists.
• Floating torso.
• Pegged hinge hips.
• Pegged hinge knees.
• Pegged hinge ankles.
Articulation is implemented in the usual Jazwares model, with only the shoulders, hips and ankle hinges being injection-molded. However, since Sagat is so considerably larger than the regular-sized characters in the line, even the non-injection molded joints have a very good friction quotient, which comes very handy for posing the big guy. Unfortunately, the hip pieces are rather bulky so the joints can’t go up high enough to allow Sagat to adopt any natural-looking kicking poses. It can be done, but it just looks awkward.
Sagat’s paintjob is deceptively simple. While the figure is molded from flesh-colored plastic with his shorts and bandages painted in simple block colors, Jazwares spray-painted very subtle shading gradients all over the areas of exposed skin, which looks simply phenomenal on Sagat, especially considering that these are supposed to be fairly low-end, mass-production items.
Like all of the figures in this line, Sagat comes with an alternate pair of hands. The default hands are sculpted in a grappling pose, while the ones of the extra pair are sculpted as closed fists. Swapping the hands is extremely easy and the material feels resilient enough to withstand repeated abuse.
Even with the limited hip range, Sagat turned out to be a perfectly fine action figure. There is something about the way it looks and the tactile sensation of posing it that I find quite relaxing and ultimately, fun.
Errex Score: 87/100
Category: Featured, Other Games, Toy Reviews, Video Games