Tag: Transformers

The AFB Podcast Episode 126: Amazing Heroes Kickstarter / Transformers
Episode 126 of the AFB Podcast is live at iTunes and is now available for direct download! Download and subscribe to the podcast at iTunes now!
First off, Scott chats with Bill Murphy from Fresh Monkey Fiction about the exciting Amazing Heroes Kickstarter which is now live and gathering support.
Then, John chats with our friend and listener Andy Bentley and Slick McFavorite from the Open Your Toys Podcast about the Transformers Toy Line, as we put it to the test in our ongoing Greatest Toyline Ever Series!
The AFB Podcast is also on Stitcher Radio!

ChuckDawg1999 Reviews The Starscream Skystriker
While I’m not a huge Transformers fan I can appreciate them. (I read most of the Fallen Empire Reviews, his collection is amazing. Links can be found here or read them directly at FallenEmpireToys.com) That being said I really was impressed with the GI Joe /Transformers Starscream Stkystriker. Exclusive to SDCC this year, it was […]

Ravage (Legends Class)
Let me start by saying that I am not a Transformers fan. I missed the old cartoon and it’s companion toy line by a couple of years and by the time I was eleven …

Transformers Legends Class Autobot Jazz
I’m not normally one to jump on the band wagon, but I was intrigued a bit with this one. I’ve never been a huge Transformer’s fan. GI Joe was bigger in my house. I’m an Air Force brat, and leaned towards the military things. However, as a kid, we had some kids in grade school with a parent that […]
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