Tag: War Machine

Iron Man & War Machine (Playskool Heroes)
And for something slightly different, today I’ll be reviewing a couple of Playskool action figures: The Iron Man & War Machine set that was released early in 2014

Artillery Armor War Machine
In a toy line ripe with repaints of the same few action figure molds, it is something of a surprise that War Machine did not get as many different versions as the Iron Man Mark IV and VI armors had.

Iron Patriot (Pop! Vinyl Bobble Head)
Since I already reviewed War Machine, this shouldn’t come as much of a surprise. Since I saw him for a good price, I really couldn’t pass up getting get the repainted movie version of Iron Patriot. I’m not a huge fan of the colors for a weapon armor, but, he looked pretty cool so I […]

War Machine (Iron Man 3 Assemblers)
I’d been avoiding Iron Man 3 figures pretty much since they came out. Since they seemed to be lacking most of what I’d liked about the Iron Man 2 line, they were a pretty easy pass. I had picked up something in passing, War Machine was only available in the “Assemblers” version, the larger interchangeable limbs […]

War Machine (Mega Bloks)
I have to say as a character, I know very little of War Machine other than what I saw in Iron Man 2. However, that hasn’t seemed to keep from latching on to him as my Iron Man armor of choice. I got very lucky with this one. There was one open empty bag when […]

Heroclix War Machine
This is going to be a bit of a short one. I’m not a Heroclix player, but I couldn’t pass up a mini War Machine. This particular Marvel hero was a Free Comic Book Day 2o1o give away. My local shop, must have had a few left over and put them out this year to get […]

War Machine -Iron Man 2 (Movie Version)
After being truely enthralled with the comic version of War Machine, I couldn’t help but pick up the movie version of the character. The early photos and promo materials show that on screen War Machine is much like his comic book namesake. He’s bigger and more heavily armed than the armored suit that Tony Stark wears. We […]

War Machine – Iron Man 2
I should start this by clarifying that this is the comic version released as part of the Iron Man 2 movie line. There should be a couple more versions coming out of the movie version of War Machine. If you’re not a big fan of Iron Man, you will want to know that this is […]
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