Tag: Episode 4

Darth Vader
For a character that hasn’t had more than a couple of outings in the Star Wars Vintage Collection by Hasbro, Darth Vader is certainly one that I didn’t feel the need to get once again. However, the latest Darth Vader (VC93) does represent a fairly needed update.

Bom Vimdin
The Cantina Scene from the original Star Wars movie has always had a spot in my heart. In part, it was because from the nine figures I got as a Christmas gift in 1979, four of them were the Kenner cantina aliens (the rest were Boba Fett, an X-Wing Pilot, R5-D4, the Death star Droid and the Power Droid) and those were pretty much all I had to play with all the entire following year.

Jawa (Star Wars Buddies)
Frequent readers will know that I kinda like the little dessert scavengers from Star Wars. I was even a Jawa for Halloween one year. So finding the Star Wars Buddy version in my collection isn’t a big stretch. For such a plain character, there’s a ton of detail in this little guy. His body is […]

Leesub Sirln
In fact, there are a lot of tiny details that bother me in this figure, like the skimpy silver outfit, the pink plastic skin or the oversized cranium. Oddly, putting all of these together doesn’t immediately translate into a plastic abomination; so further analysis might be in order.

Jawa & Security Droid
Frequent visitors to the site will know that I have a soft spot for Jawas. I think the pint sized scavengers just captured my imagination when I was a kid and didn’t let go. Frequent readers will also know that I like figures that are able to sit. With this most recent Jawa release we […]

In order to raise money for chartering the Millenium Falcon, Luke Skywalker was forced to sell his landspeeder at a used speed dealer in Mos Eisley. The speeder dealer was a large bug headed creature that we only glimpse from a distance. Other than the huge melon, I couldn’t tell you much about the dealer. […]

The Star Wars universe is intended to have a lived in look. I think with all the pretty white clone armor and Imperial hardware we’ve seen in recent years it’s easy to over look that. The rest of the universe is worn, used, frayed, etc… The harsh environment of Tatooine is a great weathering agent on its’ inhabitants and […]

Luke Skywalker with Vaporator
Moisture Farmer? What is a moisture farmer? I really wish there was more explanation on what a vaporator does and what exactly they are used to farm for. Are they used just to gather water? On a desert planet, that could be moisture farming. But, in Episode 4, Owen says harvest is when he needs Luke the most, which sounds […]

Biggs Darklighter Tosche Station
My guess is there are a bunch of kids that grew up with the new trilogy scratching their head over this one. I’d guess even a few folks that are older are wondering where this outfit came from. Since, as a much younger person, I had the “Star Wars Storybook”, I can tell you. There […]

TAC#16 Darth Vader
I understand that all the kids think that Darth Vader is cool. He’s the bad ass of the galaxy, fights with a lightsaber, and chokes people from across the room. However,how many of figures of him do we need? The vintage line had one. And for the most part, that’s all we needed. His costume […]
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