Tag: TV

Gundam Build Fighters
Okay, I’ll probably loose some geek cred for this one, but I’m not a huge anime fan. I will even say that at one time I didn’t realize there was difference between the Gundam and Macross worlds. For years, I never delved into either properly. When I have tried an anime here and there […]

Kamen Rider Gaim
I figured the best way to kick off Gaim week was to give a little review of the show. What’s that? You’ve never seen it on your listings. Well, if you don’t live in Japan you will need to find an alternate method to find it. Which leads to the question, of how I found […]

Face Off – Do They Listen to the Judges?
I realized I hadn’t written anything about this season’s Face Off yet. I know it’s almost over. I know there are only 4 people left. I know there is one that seems capable of winning it more than the others. But, if you’re reading this, you must have some interest. I can tell you this, […]

Is NBC’s “The Cape” just “Diet Spawn”?
There just seemed to be something familiar to me about “The Cape” that I couldn’t put my finger on. Then it hit me, the show was like the “lite” version of Spawn.

Bust Some Punks – “The Good Guys” Review
Every week their are two shows that cause some controversy in the Nerd household. The first is on Tuesday and is Glee. Mrs. Nerd loves the show. The plethora of Eighties songs has helped fuel this I suspect. It’s not that I hate the show, but I put up a protest mainly to keep my […]

5 Things I Hope Season 6 of “Lost” Answers
Mrs. Nerd and I have watched “Lost” since the premier episode. We got sucked into the story just like that guy standing in front of the jet engine in that episode. We have been watched our favorite characters delve deeper into the mysteries of the Dharma Initiative, island, and the other castaways. With the fifth season […]

Why The New “V” Doesn’t Work for This Nerd
I’ll be up front with you. I didn’t really watch the original mini series or full season runs of the original “V.” I can’t tell you why, it seems like something my young mind would have liked at the time. I remember watching a few of them, but never really following it. So I think, […]

Is It Time to Bury Bones?
I know, I’m going to stir some people up with this one. But after this weeks episode of “Bones” (A Night at the Bones Museum), I think it’s time to ask the question. Last week I wrote about how I though CSI had evolved and was able to change to stay fresh and interesting. But […]

The Winner of Hell’s Kitchen is…Huh?
So this week was the Season Finale of Hell’s Kitchen. The two hour finale featured the remaining three contestants facing off to see who would become the head chef of the Araxi restaurant in Whistler, British Columbia. The job is even more enticing when you consider that the 2010 Winter Olympics will have droves of […]

A Cheer for CSI and A Boo For Castle
Quite frequently the older a TV series gets, the more is starts to seem like old shows regurgitated. CSI has long been the leader of the forensic shows that now air on every network. The last couple of seasons were starting to seem a bit stale, even. When William Petersen decided to leave the CSI […]

Movie Critics vs. Toy Reviewers
Alright. I started my Saturday morning off fairly well. Played a little Tomb Raider on the Wii, picked up lunch. Normal end of the week stuff. Before moving on, I decided to surf the web a bit. My first stop was IMDB to check for any reviews of the new GI Joe film. Now, I […]

Mork from Ork
In this review we are going to take a look at the alien baddie from the latest Indiana Jones. Uh wait, wrong film alien. I was sorting through some things the other day and came across this figure in box of vintage odds and ends. For some of the younger generation, I need to explain a couple of things. […]
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