Tag: BAF
To round up the reviews for the regular figures from Hasbro’s Guardians of the Galaxy Marvel Legends Infinite Series, today I bring you none other than the main hero, the infamous (in his own mind, at least): Star-Lord!
Spider-Girl is one of those characters I really know nothing about, but the visual aspect of the figure was enough of an encouragement for me to pick it up on sight.
Hydra Soldier (Marvel Legends Infinite Series)
Although Hydra, the criminal organization, is featured prominently in the second Captain America movie, truth is we don’t get to see them attired in an identifiably Hydra uniform.
Iron Monger (Build A Figure)
Well, completing this Iron Monger figure took a little bit more work than usual. First off, Hasbro released in two separate waves the action figures containing the pieces to build the ‘monger. This would not have been much to think about, except that both half-waves were released about 6 months apart from each other.
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